Do you remember the television commercials for the laundry detergent that claimed to remove the embarrassing ring around the collar? The husband and wife would be at some social gathering, perhaps dining on Lobster Thermador at the Rotary Club or some such thing, when one of the Gladys Kravitz-esque attendees would notice a stain on Mr. Commercials shirt collar and point it out loudly enough for everyone this side of Brooklyn to hear, Hes got ring around the collar! The singsong nasal chorus would repeat this as Mrs. Commercial turned several shades of crimson and Mr. Commercial went on merrily munching on his shellfish, oblivious to the goings-on. I, for one, always wondered why Mrs. Commercial was so embarrassed when clearly the problem would take care of itself if Mr. Commercial would just take the time to wash his neck.
I got to thinking about that commercial recently as I was trying to remove another stubborn stain, this one caused by my babys ample and artful methods of regurgitation rather than my husbands poor upper vertebral hygiene. Babies garments are different from adults you see, and babies skin is far more sensitive, so there is no miracle stain remover...