Over Compulsive Disorder (OCD) A Bit Of The Other
What gives a person suffering from over compulsive disorder (OCD) the right to chastise others e.g. children/husband and wife’s on their behaviour when we as a patient have no control over our own. Other peoples habits are very similar to that of what we do ourselves, antics may include irritating and annoying stunts. What is the difference between over compulsive disorder actions to that of what others do, fortunately for the others they gain control to stop what it is they do, as for the OCD patient I am afraid to say they have no jurisdiction or say on the matter when to stop?
Over compulsive disorder (OCD) comes with invisible powers where it leaves a patient feeling disorientated to an extent where life becomes meaningless. In other words life is not worth living if not able carry out their compulsions. (Depending on the individual)
You are not alone if you suffer from OCD the number in others are on the increase daily, we even have fellow patients who are unaware that they are infected. The reason for this is because symptoms are mild and seem to go unnoticed unlike the more sever cases where...