To have separation anxiety is normal to be experienced by anyone; may it be an adult, a teenager, or a child. This feeling is basically a fear or worry of being separated from a certain person, thing, or place. For instance, a child may show unwillingness to let his parents leave him alone at school or a parent may feel doubtful to send his daughter or son away to boarding school.
Most of the time, this type of social anxiety disorder is only temporary or short lived. However, when fear or anxiety becomes extreme, the condition is then categorized as Separation Anxiety Disorder or SAD. A person who has this type of anxiety disorder becomes extremely scared of being separated from the things or individuals that matter most to them. The fear is continuous and the feeling of social anxiety is intense.
A person is diagnosed to have separation anxiety disorder when the symptoms for the said condition lasted for four continuous weeks. The following are the symptoms for SAD:
1. Excessive and persistent worrying about losing the person or object of attachment.
2. Repetitive nightmares on separation.
3. Recurring worries about being...