One of the least understood and utilized areas of SEO is probably page structure. Webmasters will use an editor such as Frontpage, Dreamweaver, etc. to create there pages making sure to get the right keywords in the title tags, spread throughout the pages, in links, alt tags, etc. all the while forgetting one important fact, what it looks like to the search engines.
Unfortunately, a fairly small amount of webmasters actually know how to code in HTML. They use a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get)such as one of those mentioned above. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact, it is how I originally started. The problem is that most of these types of editors produce horrible and I mean HORRIBLE code.
This is often referred to as “code bloat” and while it isn’t NECESSARILY bad, it is not good either. First, this “code bloat” increased the overall size of each page. For some pages, this isn’t a big deal, but for pages that are already fairly large in file size, this can make a big difference.
I once went through a page that was roughly 50kb in size and removed all of the offending code bloat caused by a WYSIWYG...