The word hypnosis seems to conjure bad images for a number of people. Im sure we have watched something, whether it is a movie or an animation, about people falling or doing evil things because of being hypnotized. So when you say, hypnosis for children, parents tend to be overprotective.
Actually, hypnotism is not bad at all. Studies have showed hypnotism helping children and adults deal with chronic pain, insomnia, stress, depression, weight gain and fears or phobia. Currently, hypnosis is being used in pain management.
Unlike the deep sleep that we know, people under hypnotism or hypnotherapy are conscious on what they are doing and what they can hear and understand. Hypnotism can be used to treat diseases and disorder, it is called hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is used in pain management.
There are three strategies in using hypnosis in pain management:
Physical relaxation focusing on relaxation while feeling the pain, reduces the pain to vibrate and escalate. When tension is mixed pain, this heightens the pain. Muscle tension tends to pull on the muscles where it is hurting.
Sensory alteration this strategy changes how we perceive the...