We dont have time were busy enough and have to maximize our billable hours.
We cant afford to market we have no extra money.
We have brochures and a website isnt that enough?
We dont know where to start, even if we do want to attract more clients.
We cant get key people inside our firm to agree on how or if to start.
Promoting our firm is unprofessional, unethical, and tacky. These are all legitimate perspectives and shouldnt be minimized. But what if there was a painless way to get the following results? High-quality prospects seeking you out and coming to you, instead of you having to seek them out.
Your firm reaching and helping more people with what you have to offer.
Increasing the volume of clients from which you can choose, allowing your firm to be selective and work with only those you truly want.
Differentiating your firm from your competition and articulating what makes you and your firm special.
Tapping new networks that dont know about your firm yet.
Wasting no more money on ineffective brochures, flyers, web sites and other marketing materials better yet, knowing if the investment you make...