Paralegal Schools offer many options to help you get formally trained as a professional paralegal.
Typically a paralegal school will offer an Associate’s Degree Program or a Certificate Program. Also you may find some paralegal schools that offer a Bachelor Degree or a Master Degree.
The Associate’s Degree will take around 2 years of study, the Certificate will only need a few months, while the Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees will require 4 years.
As a whole the job market now require some shape of formal training and diploma. Gone are the days where only some typing skills and a clean pair of shoes assured you a job.
In order to qualify for a Paralegal Certificate you need an Associate or a Bachelor’s degree, but some schools require only a high school diploma or a GED.
Also you may want to consider online paralegal schools. The online courses offer many advantages like schedule flexibility and reduced costs. Each course completed is credited towards the degree. A great advantage of online schools is that many will let you pay each course individually…
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