Parrots to Poets — Its all in learning to say words
A ready reckoner for you to check your childs development
As a parent you may spend many anxious moments worrying whether your child is developing well, whether anything is wrong, or worrying about illnesses or learning disabilities. Well, most developmental articles or charts are just general reference points. Some babies grow and pass each stage quickly while others develop slower but do catch up. So, dont fret if John has not said ba, ba or da, da, when your neighbors child born a few days later already has.
Every baby is like a sponge and receptive to things in his or her immediate environment. A baby who has people talking and interacting with him or her all day long tends to learn words faster than children who spend long hours alone in a crib or play pen with toys. As a child grows, its brain too develops along with other systems such as bones, muscles, and motor skills. And, from birth until age three the child absorbs everything around itsounds, sight, music, words, and more.
As you know, communication begins during the first few days of lifea baby learns quickly that it can seek...