There are several easy ways to make money using online auctions websites. The first is to start cleaning your house from top to bottom. Never before has spring cleaning been so profitable! Everything that you would have given to your local Salvation Army or Goodwill has the potential to make you some extra cash. Start piling things into a corner and once your cleaning is finished you can start photographing it for an Ebay listing.
If you find that you have similar items in the pile (sort by size, brand names and style), another of the easy ways to make money using auction websites is to sell your stuff in lots of two or more. This way when you enter in your item description, people looking for either item will be directed to your lot. Also, it takes the hassle of having to deal with shipping items separately out of the equation.
When there’s no more cleaning to be done and you’re out of knickknacks that have been cluttering your house for years, you can start sorting through thrift stores and antique stores. If you have a good eye, there are treasures to be had just about everywhere! Usually, you can buy a winter coat at a thrift store for less than...