There are many franchise opportunities for people who would like to work part time. They range from consulting franchises to childcare businesses.
Many people can not afford the luxury of a full time business or employment. Rather then seeking a part time job, they would rather be in control of their lives. The problem with most businesses is that they are only profitable if run full time.
This begs the question what are the characteristics of a part time franchise business? The answer is that a part time franchise needs to have a blend of the following ingredients:
1) Low overheads
2) Flexible working hours
3) No need for large premises
4) Few if any employees
5) Minimal requirements in terms of equipment
6) No stock or minimal stock requirements
So what types of franchises are suitable for people who have maybe 20 hours a week to spare and would like to be their own boss? After spending time researching the market, I have found these niches that can satisfy the above requirements:
1) Business cost management – a franchisee is trained to visit companies and analyse areas where cost savings can easily be...