Many people love the idea of having some extra part time income and are able to enjoy time with my family and friends. Some work part time and are involved in a variety of loose-ended jobs: delivering newspapers, selling encyclopedias door to door and even selling a little insurance. Although these experiences teach the basics of sales techniques and perseverance, they rarely offer any significant amount of income. Some even try the infamous MLM opportunities and, as many, are thoroughly disappointed.
Some of these so-called home based businesses promise a lot of people of achieving great wealth. They prey on unsuspecting folks with the idea of utilizing their families and friends and then having them recruit their friends, as well, for the purpose of generating sales. Some even require big start up costs for the purchase of their products and then a sacrifice of the first couple of sales to a sponsor or mentor before any income is reflected. Lastly, money back guarantees are rarely offered.
Scams are everywhere: illegal pyramids, ponzi, chain letters and gifting schemes. The owners of these companies love the idea of taking advantage of the individuals...