With the dawn of the new era of technology, everything seems to be possible under the sun. With high tech gadgets and innovative devices, you can detect a fingerprint, a person lying, and even determine the father of your baby through paternity test.
Since the beginning of modern technology, paternity test has quite gained popularity since rape cases have escalated to greater height. Paternity tests, today, are one of the methods being used in solving cases that involve pregnancy, rape, child claims, and for very simple reason that the mother would just like to know who the father of the baby is.
Sounds quite peculiar isnt it? But these things really do happen and there are women who just dont know who is the father of their baby. Paternity test is also common in situations wherein the man does not accept the truth that he is the biological father of a certain child.
Generally, paternity test are conducted through a comprehensive DNA testing and analysis of different enzymes, proteins, and HLA antigens.
The utilization of DNA, when checking for confirmations of the alleged claims of fatherhood, ahs been a breakthrough in the world of science. It...