Almost every night of the year, you will be able to find a party at one of the thousands of Pattaya bars. Some nights, you will be able to find many more.
The tell-tale signs that a party is going to be happening is you will see the girls blowing up balloons. They will decorate the outside of the bar with strings and strings of balloons.
It may be for one of the girl’s birthdays or it may be the anniversary of the opening of the bar. There are also times that tourists plan parties for their birthday or to celebrate a major event, like their divorce.
Whatever the occasion, there will usually be some food to go along with the balloons. Typically, it is roast pig on a spit with plenty of side dishes. The food will be free, but you are expected to buy a drink or two.
On major occasions, like Christmas or New Years, just about every bar in town will have a celebration. Many pigs will sacrifice their lives to satisfy your appetite.
There are many expatriates, and some tourists, that get accused of being balloon chasers. These guys look for the parties in hopes of a cheap or free meal. They can be seen nursing a coke and stuffing their...