More and more of us are taking getting credit cards these days, and many of us find it very difficult to even make the regular minimum payment, much less pay off the entire balance every month. Some people think about taking out a debt consolidation loan to pay off all their cards and only have one lower monthly payment. However there are some other options that you should consider.
One of the options to consider is to take the balance of all your cards and transfer it onto one card. The best thing to do would be to see which of your credit card accounts offers the lowest interest rate and transfer all the balances onto this account, thereby lowering your overall interest rate. However, if you are thinking about going this route you should also consider closing all but one of your credit card accounts. It is very easy to charge up your credit cards again right up to the maximum balance, which is the exact opposite thing that you should be doing!
Another option is to open another credit card account with an introductory 0% interest rate on all balance transfers, and transfer all your balances onto that one. This way for a period of time you will not be paying...