You may have heard about payday and cash advance loans in the past and thought that they weren’t for you. Sure, you had financial emergencies, but you didn’t want the whole world knowing you were having one! Concerns about privacy and anonymity have been some of the main reasons people haven’t utilized cash advance services. They would rather do without than have to worry about other finding out they were using the services. If this sounds like you, there is good news – times have changed, and today the payday and cash advance loan industry is one of the most private, secure, and fast lenders out there!
Here’s how it works. Let’s say you have an unexpected expense. Maybe the washing machine decided to die in the middle of the rinse cycle or your oven decided it was tired of all the hot air. Whatever the reason, you need money fast. This is where the payday and cash advance loan industry comes into play. They are there to lend you the money you need for a short period of time, typically between 7 and 30 days. They make small loans, anywhere from $100 – $2000 dollars in most places, and are flexible in their repayment...