There could be many reasons for which you would like to apply for a payday loan. It could be because of an unexpected emergency, an unaccounted for expenditure, a medical bill, or maybe because your car broke down. At the same time, you could even apply for payday loans to fund a holiday or to buy a gift for someone special. In fact, a payday loan company does not take your credit history into consideration, so even if you have a bad credit history, you can apply for these loans, which is why they are also known as bad credit payday advance loans.
Payday loans are meant to help you to meet your unexpected financial demands and not to aggravate them. As a result, it is imperative to select the right loan. The right loan implies a loan that is available at the best possible rate. And in order to select the best rate, there are certain parameters and points that you should keep in mind.
Compare the annual percentage rate
Now, what could be the easiest way of comparing the rate that is being offered for payday loans by different companies? In fact, all payday loan companies have to disclose the annual percentage rate (APR) of a loan, before you sign the...