The number of people using payday loans has greatly increased in the last year. Despite this, the payday loan industry has come under attack from a variety of different organizations. They have been criticized for charging high interest rates and putting people who are often already low income further into debt. In this article I will discuss payday loans, and why it is best to avoid them unless you absolutely have to use them.
No Credit History?
Many people who use payday loans are unable to get cash advances from traditional banks. This is often due to their credit history. Banks will typically reject people who either have no credit or bad credit. This has left open a large market for payday loan companies to make money from. Many services are now offered online, making it easier than ever for people to borrow money. The irony of this is that many banks are now giving credit to payday loan companies in order to tap into the market.
Paying More For Your Credit From Your Bank
This allows the banks to make money off the payday loan industry without having to directly provide loans to the customers it normally rejects. This fact alone should make...