While payday loans have long been popular in the USA, they are a relatively new service for UK customers, and many people aren’t sure exactly what they are. With all the controversy over whether they’re a worthwhile service or simply a form of legalised sharking, it’s a good idea for any UK resident thinking of applying to know exactly what they’re getting into.
Most of us struggle for money towards the end of the month to some extent, and have to tighten our belts a little by cutting down on socialising or other forms of non-essential spending. This is a perfectly normal (if annoying!) fact of financial life for most of us who are employed and get paid once a month. Sometimes however, running out of money can be more serious than this if there are essential expenses to be paid such as an unexpected bill or repair cost.
Many people use the overdraft facility of their bank accounts to give them a bit of leeway when funds are short, but in today’s world many people are permanently overdrawn and near their limits, so this may not be an option.
An alternative way of tiding you over until your next salary is to use a credit card,...