(Paying Taxes Is Just Part Of Business)
Any business, whether online or not, really has to pay its due taxes. Some people would resort to starting an online business thinking that they can evade tax payments if they do so but the truth is, the tax dues will surely catch up with them one way or another.
Righteous as this may sound, but any business that does not pay its taxes cannot be considered as a business.
So, You Want To Start Your Online Business?
Trying to start an online business is pretty much the same as starting any business in the world. Some people who are involved with online businesses usually use their ignorance as an excuse not to pay taxes.
They would say that they didnt really know where to go or what government department to approach so they just went ahead with their online business without actually referring to the government or the state that they are under.
The first thing that you should do if you want to start your online business is to go to your local town hall and try to list down the requirements needed to form a business in your location.
You should also ask what is required at both state and...