One of the most common ways to get a penalty charge from your credit card company is if you fail to pay your credit card monthly statement on time. Therefore, if you are finding that you are being charged with a lot of penalty charges on your card or cards, one of the first things you will need to start doing is making sure your card statement is paid on time each month.
Some people are naturally more organised than others. This will never change. Some of us are able to say with safety that every month we sit down with our checkbook and balance it, pay all our bills, write all the checks and have everything in order. Others of us however, are a little more haphazard than this. We pay bills as they arrive, or put them somewhere we feel they are safe and hope we dont forget about them, like on the kitchen fridge, and then when we get a chance or feel in the mood, we pay the bill off.
One of the best ways to pay your credit card bill, and one of the surest ways to make sure you are no longer slapped with unwelcome late fees and charges, is to arrange with your bank to have the bill payed automatically each month by direct debit or standing order. This way you can be...