There are credit cards and there are credit cards and then there are credit cards. In today’s world, credit cards are used for not just shopping but also for online trading, easy airline and movie ticket bookings. In the electronically connected, Internet-based world, we can make reservations right from the comfort of our home. Now, while talking about the credit card payments, one has the option of clearing the entire outstanding in a single payment or carrying it over to the next billing cycle. People who responsibly repay their credit card debt should consider the no annual fee, no interest payment kind of cards that will allow them to get free credit.
But as long as you are paying at least the minimum amount due, you are fine. Of course, in that case you should make sure to get the lowest APR card that you can lay your hands on. The APR is the interest amount payable while making partial payments or transferring balance from one card to another. In fact, a single card can carry multiple APRs — for cash advances, part payments and card transfers. There may also be different slabs applied for different levels of payments due. For example, 10% applicable for...