The point to using a PC to TV scan converter is to be able to source PC video output from the desktop computer itself then deliver it via the PC to TV scan converter to a functional television set. Usually, before you opt for a PC to TV scan converter, you would opt for a basic PC to TV cable first to do the same thing as the PC to TV scan converter does (which is deliver that valuable PC video output to be displayed on the functional television set.)
You should always bear in mind that, regardless of which of these two options you choose, you shouldn’t expect that your TV set will display the same type of image clarity and resolution that you have come to expect from computer monitors. Yes, the TV set is bigger than your basic desktop computer monitor but the technology behind them is rather different which basically boils down to the fact that your TV set has less advanced image display technology than a computer monitor. Once you can accept this fact, you may be satisfied anyway with the fact that your TV can still be a pretty good alternative type of computer monitor and can show you video images like those from movies and PC games anyway.
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