Many people wonder whether penis enlargement pills are a scam or not. Sure, none of the leading physicians has ever endorsed such a pill and some are openly claiming that this method of penis enlargement simply cannot work. Still, many men actually spend money on such pills and not all of them complain about the lack of effects. This is why the question was born in the minds of both prospective customers and simply curious people: are penis enlargem4ent pills a scam?
The answer is not that simple. The range of products available on the penis enlargement market is quite wide since demand for this type of pills is high and growing and companies stand to make good profits. Unfortunately not all companies are honest in their business and not all products are good for you. The mixtures of herbs, which the pills contain, can count just about anything among the ingredients and while some ingredients may be simply useless, other can do you serious harm.
Some of the most popular brands used to include among their ingredients Yohimbine, a substance obtained from the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree. The substance is used by the traditional medicine of Asian countries...