Penis enlargement is the second most demanded option of male sexual enhancement after impotence treatment. You can find hundreds of different solutions online that will promise you a bigger, longer, thicker, and more powerful penis.
Nowadays most of people are time poor and have a fair amount of disposable income, the idea of a quick recipe to successful penis enlargement is very tempting but there are no safe shortcuts.
The most direct and brutal method is surgery. You will have some gain with a lot of pain choosing this option. Many men are asking about surgery only to discover the huge costs involved, and the very small chances of success. In addition, the possible side effects are serious enough to make surgery too risky for any men except those with an exceptionally small penis. You can easily weak up with a disfigured penis or loose the ability to achieve erection.
According to doctors, any erected penis longer than 4 inches is usually big enough to stimulate erogenous tissue in the vagina. A penis longer than 8 inches can ram into the cervix and cause discomfort.
Because of these, the majority of surgeons, especially the good surgeons will...