None of living humans will state that life nowadays is easy, no matter what your achievements are. People say they are under a strain, but they are the producers of it and there is nothing they can do about being dependent on it. We live a comfortable life using modern technologies to make it easier to cope with everyday routine, but when a problem comes up we quickly hide behind the wall of fear and misunderstanding not to get closer to the dangerous solution. In everybodys life comes the point when it is impossible to stand the strain and you run for shelter of your couch and support of your friend that is always near to help you whenever you need him. You adore his demeanor, his appearance, his sense of humor and his deep knowledge of every subject you happened to touch upon. You know that you are jealous and you wish to be just a bit like your successful friend. And the reason of this is constant presence of luck in his life that irritates you with decrease of the last in your life. His kind words in your address do not help and make the situation even more severe. You finally realize that depression is somehow caused not only by problems surrounding you, but by jealousy...
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