A glossy golden brown tan to set off toned limbs – that’s the stuff which the young fashion-conscious dreams are made of. The pursuit of that bronzed, sun-kissed look has led to an influx of sun worshippers in bikinis, board shorts, and bare chests congregating at the beaches. But just how much do they know about the dangers associated with excessive sun exposure?
A lot of youths are adventurous, fun loving and are passionate about sports. This may just cause them to overlook the necessity of proper sun protection. While many outdoor sports like soccer, wakeboarding, windsurfing etc are undoubtedly beneficial to health, the risks of excessive sun exposure to the participants are also very real.
Sun Damage
The sun emits 3 types of ultraviolet (UV) rays: UVA, UVB and UVC. Only UVA and UVB rays reach the earth’s surface because UVC is filtered out by the ozone layer.
UVA penetrates deeply into the skin and triggers the production of melanin, which is a pigment in our body that causes skin to tan. UVB primarily affects the skin’s outer layer and causes sunburn. UV rays are thought to be responsible for chronic...