Ignorance is a bliss this has been the deal. The long been promulgated idea has been inculcated in the minds of people and has dictated their actions since time immemorial. Politicians, in general, use this concept as they swiftly circumvent every charge filed against them – now, that was just for a few laughs. They say that the lesser you know, the lesser the dangers to your life. But this is not always the case.
What are we discussing? You don’t know? Well, it’s about ignorance.
Ignorance doesn’t always put us on the safe side. Instead, ignirance can sometimes spell danger. Contrary to popular belief, there is no better defense to life’s toxic predicaments than a handful of knowledge, and a dose of good, old-fashioned common sense.
Again, to clarify things…the ignorance we are referring to is the sheer lack of knowledge and understanding about sexuality. Sexuality is still one of the most talked about topics in society even if it is responsible for perpetuating human life. But even more rare are the avenues for lengthy and tedious discussion about healthy sexuality. This issue is really a matter of life and death....