Citibank credit cards offer a wide range of benefits. Basically, all of it features offer clients with security during emergencies, the advantage of not bringing cash and checks, and improving independence and responsibility in financial management.
Other than these basic perks of credit cards, there are specified benefits the Citibank credit cards have to offer. Here are some of the credit cards and their corresponding perks:
1) Diners club international credit card. This kind of credit card provides you with the decision of your own credit limit. The interest rates would not show on your bill for fifty days. Since this Citibank credit card could be used all around the world, it gives you the privilege of using it within five million companies worldwide. The ATM card could be used anywhere in the world. And lastly, there is no extra fee when the Citibank credit card is lost.
2) The Citibank Gold Card. This kind of Citibank credit card provides you with a higher credit and cash limit. It offers you access on international lounges and airports. It has a strong and secured insurance. And there is no fee when the credit card has been stolen, lost or...