Instead of going through a dealer for a car, you may have to go through a private dealing that requires you to get a personal loan. You will need to file a lot of paper work and be prepared to be at the creditor’s office for at least an hour filling out all the paper work. When it comes to personal loans, they tend to be very specific. You need to make sure that you understand all the questions and answer them truthfully.
You don’t want to claim that you are purchasing on thing and then buy something else. That’s considered fraud and you may end up in a lot of trouble over the act. Don’t break any laws trying to get a personal car loan. What you need to do is go to your bank or credit venue and ask them how and if you are eligible for any credit. They may just open up a line of credit for you, depending on the price of the car.
If you really want to avoid all the high interest rates, you may want to ask a close friend or family member with lots of money to help fund your new investment. You may be able to find someone willing to give you a personal loan, but make sure that you go to the bank and sign an IOU. This will help them feel...