Personal Injury Claims Statistics: Is there a Compensation Claim Culture in the United Kingdom?
An important ulterior goal is to give at least a preliminary evaluation of the contention that both the number and the cost of claims have been driven to record levels. If the figures bear this out, it would lend support to those who consider the UK to be gripped by a compensation culture, and undermine the Governments view that, although the compensation culture is a myth, the publics erroneous belief that it exists results in real and costly burdens.
Compensation Recovery Unit statistics say that the number of claims has increased only by three per cent in the last five years. The more detailed figures reveal that not all types of injury have reflected in this small increase. In particular, it is notable that accident claims have actually declined, and it is the substantial rise in claims for disease that accounts for the overall increase.
The Insurers Bodily Injury Awards Studies. Throughout the period studied, legal costs, including both claimant and defendant costs, averaged 30 per cent of the total motor personal injury claims. This means that legal costs...