Personal Loans How To Make Sure You Get The Best Deal
If you are in need of obtaining additional money quickly, then your main choices are using a credit card or obtaining a personal loan from a bank, building society or from a specialist loan company. For short term borrowing credit cards can be useful, but for longer term borrowing a loan may seem to be the best option. Whenever you take out a loan or credit agreement, your prospective lender will assess your personal circumstances and decide whether to offer to lend you the funds you require subject to its repayment with added interest being paid.
Depending on the result of a financial health check (completed by the lender), you may be offered, on average, up to 15,000 to be paid back over a period of between 6 months to 10 years. The actual amount that you can borrow and the interest rate charged will depend on factors such as your past credit record, amount requested, duration of loan, purpose of the loan, whether the amount borrowed is secured or unsecured, and acceptance of various terms and conditions applied by the lender.
What is the difference between a secured and an unsecured loan?