Personal mastery is not something that you can only to help you deal with stress and improve you confidence. Actually, it is possible to apply mastery into you career as well. There are numerous studies showing personal mastery to have impact on your everyday life as well as with working effectively.
Applying personal mastery in your career development is called career mastery. Career mastery is when you can integrate your personal development and growth to your professional growth and development.
There are different elements for career mastery.
Being proactive. It is important to go after what you want. In the application of career mastery, you need to identify your goal and take necessary action towards it. With this element, you get to overcome barriers and limitations daily. You do not have to overcome everything at once, you just need to do consistent action everyday.
Connect with others. To effectively connect with other people or network, you need to connect with yourself first. You get the power and the intelligence of connecting to other with how you understand and interact with the inner you.
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