Personal Mastery And Leadership

| Total Words: 558

It is also a responsibility of a leader to be a role model. How can leaders be great role models? Personal mastery can help individuals be a better person and also help leaders become role models. According to Peter Senge, The core to leadership strategy is simple: to be a model. Commit yourself to your own personal mastery.

Personal mastery helps an individual to acquire self-knowledge and at the same time promote self-development and growth. Personal mastery helps an individual to develop the following characteristics:

Understanding the direction of their life and therefore the direction of their group or organization

Recognize reality and remain grounded on it.

Think creatively and out of the box.

They understand and work with change.

They view themselves to be a part of the whole system and feel connected to others.

They understand that they could influence others but are impossible to control them.

It is important for a leader to understand the vision and the mission of the organization. A leader who has achieved personal mastery would be able to identify the methods on how to effectively achieve the...

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