Personal mastery is not something you can accomplish overnight. It is not just going beyond what you can do with your skills and talents. Personal mastery is how you understand and direct your life. For an organization to succeed, each person member of the organization has to be part of the organization purpose and make it their own personal purpose.
When each member of the organization adapts the organization purpose as their purpose, personal and organization growth increases. Imagine the power of an organization whose member believe and are committed to one idea? This is the deepest commitment an organization could ever have.
On a journey towards personal mastery, you are in search for your life direction and purpose. You are aware of your personal weaknesses and strength, responsible for your actions and accept who you are. Followers of personal mastery are capable of accepting the harsh realities and learn to adapt with the changes happening in their surroundings. Thos who have high level of personal mastery are able to commit into their lives and see themselves as part of the whole.
These people when combined with the members of the group or an...