There are people who fully understand how important it is to develop their skill and know their strengths and weaknesses to be able to deal with their growth and development. Those who have known and developed personal mastery would be able to listen to themselves and maintain balance in their life.
Personal mastery would also enable people to manage their energy levels and minimize dependence with stimulants to increase their energy levels. To attain personal mastery, there are principles that would be the guide of a person in a quest for growth and maturity.
Principles behind personal and self mastery are actually fundamental concepts that are essential when building professional, social and spiritual relationships. The first one is how success is defined. In personal mastery, the internal change is actually more important than what had happened to you.
Personal mastery is also based on reality. It is important for the follower to spend time and energy in things that can be controlled, like the present and the future. It is important to let go of reactive attitude like resentment, complaint, blame and just wishful thinking.
Another principle...