If you have been studying karate for any length of time now, you have probably come to realize many important insights from your training. From my own study of karate, I have come to notice many interesting lessons. I would like to share some of these insights with you in this article.
1. The most talented students dont always make the best instructors, nor do they even become black belts in many cases, whereas the averagely skilled but highly committed practitioner often makes it to the higher levels.
2. It is a mistake to judge yourself based on the performance and skill of others. Instead, do your best to honestly evaluate your performance in relation to how well you feel that you are fulfilling your potential in the art.
3. Never criticize others for not getting it because although they may be missing some of the things that you get, they may be gaining many other important insights that you havent yet begun to understand.
4. Dont profess to know anything about karate other than superficial knowledge until you have been training for at least ten years and even then be very careful because as your own knowledge increases, rather than feeling that...