Photoshop 7.0 Tutorial Tips And Tricks To Get Creative With Your Images
Cutting and painting can only go so far. If thats all you wanted to do with your photos, you shouldnt have bothered purchasing Adobe Photoshop 7.0. This software is very powerful, and it would be such a waste if you dont allow your knowledge and skills to grow with it.
If its your first time to use any Photoshop software, you might as well start with the best.
The Pixelate Function
Look for the Filter section in the tool menu situated on top of your screen. There are various options under the Filter category, and you can start playing with images with the pixelate function. The pixelate function allows you to modify images and turn them into different artistic styles. Remember when your art appreciation class required you to do a mosaic all by yourself and with your own two hands? It was hard work, wasnt it? Now imagine being able to do that with any photo or image saved in your computer with just one click! And yes, you can do that just by clicking on pixelate and mosaic next.
Other artistic styles included under pixelate are crystallize, fragment, facet, color halftone,...