If you are new to Pilates, you may not realize that it is one of the fastest growing forms of exercise in the world today. In the U.S., the numbers have reached an astonishing 10.6 million participants.
The practice of Pilates is spreading around the world. The Pilates method was developed from the rehabilitation techniques of Joseph Pilates.
These methods teach about balancing body, mind and soul to achieve the desired health benefits.
No matter your age, the sensible exercise program will help you look and feel your best. No matter your age or physical condition, the Pilates method can work for you.
Pilates works the core muscles and builds strength, increases flexibility and agility, and the economy of motion. Pilates has even been known to alleviate back pain and other chronic ailments.
Pilates dramatically transforms the way your body looks and feels as well as performs. Strength is built without adding the excess bulk and helps to create a sleek toned body, thinning out the thighs and flattening the abdomen.
Pilates also teaches body awareness, good posture and easy movement. Professional dancers have benefited from the Pilates...