Pitigliano is a small town in Italy, situated south of Florence and north of Rome. Pitigliano is situated on the top of a steep tuff of a volcanic magma.
Pitigliano was considered the home of Jews. They shared the habitat with the gentile population of the town in a harmonious manner and together contributed for the cultural and social development of both communities. The village landscape reminds you of the Jerusalem city. The tuff rock bears unison with the medieval structures. The picturesque of the emerging grayish cluster of buildings from the dark woods brings the memory of the days of the Jewish community in this small religious city. Its culture and civilization is a tribute to the enduring devotion of the minority Jewish community towards this city.
The natural attractions of Pitigliano are the wild forest surrounding the cliff and the creeks that are developed into deep valleys. The largest Italian lake, Lake Bolsena is situated near Pitigliano. The landscape of Pitigliano is beautified with Mount Amiata, a 1738-meter high volcano that was separated from it long time ago. The Maremma coast extends 50 kilometers from Pitigliano with beautiful beaches that...