New Delhi, India: Can Selling a ‘Pixel’, the smallest graphic unit on your computer screen, make you a millionaire?
If you apply the formula used by England’s Alex Tew, creator of the wildly successful Million Dollar Homepage, it just might.
The idea is simple: Create affordable Internet advertising space by selling blocks of pixel (usually 10X10) ads on a high traffic Web site. Then, link those blocks back to the advertiser’s site and tell everyone you know about it to create buzz.
M-Solutions, an India-based Company joined the pixel bandwagon, and launched ‘PixelAdMall'[1] on 4 November, 2005. A little late than other pixel websites, but today has made a presense felt on major Pixel Top-Sites and Search Engines, like Google. Keywords like ‘Buy Pixels’ and ‘Pixel Directory’ when searched, this Site appears on the first page itself.
Currently, PixelAdMAll’s pixels cost USD $.20 each or USD $20 for 100 pixels. Where this site differs is in it’s marketing strategy, the site keeps giving users on the internet Hot Offers and promotions, which one should regularly check and take advantage...