The truth is what sets you free; yet, when you plan you find the freedom to survive happier. Planning gives us power. The plans we make liberate us and lift our values and quality of living. When a person plans it, greaten their outlooks on life. As you plan you, start to use your creative mind.
The creative mind helps you to vision your future as you draw from your energies, passions, wants, etc. It leads you to excitement, or feeling joyful over your future. When you plan you, reduce tension. Instead of spending each day sweating tomorrow, you learn how to live one day. Each day you have your seconds, minutes, hours, and day planned, so that you are working toward completing what you have planned for that day. Once you accomplish your daily goals, you relax knowing that you achieved your mission. The next day comes and you follow your plan chart for this day only.
You live well when you set plans. When you set plans, you know that you have the ability to change those plans as you choose. You realize that you have flexibility with your plans. For instance, if you see something in your plans that do not lead up to your short and long-term goals, you can change...