The planning stages of a business tend to be a bit hectic if for no other reason than they are where you really are given the chance to develop the plan for your business that you will refer to thousands of times over the course of the life of your business. One of the numerous things that you need to decide during this time (or at the very least give some thought to) is what type of business you are going to run. This has nothing to do with the actual business niche itself, but rather the actual legal type of business that you are going to be involved in. There are a number of different business types in the legal sense and while those types vary from country to country, there are general consistencies along a few major distinctions.
The first of those distinctions is the business type known as a sole proprietorship. This is the most common business type simply because it is the easiest one to start with. A sole proprietorship consists of the business being wholly owned by one person and therefore being associated with that one person. The business expenses and liabilities are assumed by that one person, but at the same time that one person has total control...