The first thing that may surprise you about plastic surgery is that it is type of surgery that is much older than most people think. Evidence indicates the ancient Egyptians practiced a primitive form of reconstructive surgery, and the Romans were adept at performing basic surgery for repairing damaged ears, among other things. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) which is the oldest such society in the world, celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2006.
Today, as techniques improve and costs decrease, plastic surgery seemingly once the exclusive domain of movie stars with too much money has become increasingly popular and acceptable. An estimated 3.5 million procedures are performed each year in the United States at a cost of almost $5 billion.
Plastic surgery was once practiced almost exclusively by middle class Caucasians; now it increasingly attracts people from all income brackets, races and social groups. Around a third of plastic surgery procedures are performed on people aged between 35 and 50.
Reality TV shows such as Extreme Makeover and The Swan have also put plastic surgery in the public eye. And if you really want to see how it is...