Is it really possible to learn to play piano in a flash? That would be impossible because according to some expert pianists, it took them years to learn their lessons and play effectively. However, there is one way to improve your learning process in a flash.
You might be wondering how, right? Well, it is really simple. You have to take note of your posture. This is very important when playing the piano. Try to observe pianists; they have great postures and they seem to play with ease at all times. Without proper posture, you will not learn the basic playing techniques and even if you do, you cant play the instrument comfortably.
Some say that it is easier to teach children when it comes to posture but even if youre an adult, you can still improve your posture. If you can do this, you can play comfortably and with flexibility.
1. Try to imagine yourself sitting and youre about to play the piano. See yourself as a giraffe; feeling as if your neck and head can reach the ceiling.
2. The next thing that you have to do is to stretch your arms. Try to imagine that the arms are the wings of an angel. Stretch your arms to the sides until your elbows are...