In this article I’m going to show you how you can get the most out those pesky credit card offers you keep receiving. Even if you’re not about to switch cards you may lean a thing or to so sit tight, but first, let me set the stage: You’re the proud owner of a credit card or two, never really use them but pay them off in full each month. Then comes a few must have purchases and perhaps your employer downsizes and you’re sent packing. Before you know it you’re in the hole for $5000. You still get the statements in the mail but never really read them and like a robot, just pay the minimum amount. Then one day, perhaps because you’re bored or it’s raining outside, you actually read one of the statements and realize you’re paying an exorbitant amount in interest charges and by a rough calculation you’ll be “pushing up the daisies” by the time you have to make the last payment!
You’ve often heard you ex co-workers brag about their low credit card interest rate and you now realize those credit card offers collecting dust in your top drawer are starting to look more attractive by the second. Upon delving...