Lets take a look at something that is important in poker: emotions. You are off the hood this time, but still read and be aware if you ever need this advice.
As it is well known the one most important thing in poker is to pay attention to you game. Perfect poker players are always aware of their opponents emotions and they know how to read them.
Every card dealt, every bet, every look tells a lot about that player and his cards if you know how to look at him. You must watch your opponent as he bets and remember how much he bets, what are his words when he bets. Every little gesture like a breath, a smile can tell every thing about the cards he is holding. For example, a player that has good cards is more likely to speak very little, to watch everyone closely and check often.
The part that betrays the most are the eyes. If you cant trust your eyes, then you could always turn to the pros solution, wear glasses. In order not to create any suspicions you need to be confident in your eyes and face expression. The best solution seems to be making up a problem you have to think about, or thinking about a real problem that you have although the game. If you are...