Did you know that some credit card companies purposely send their customer bills out so late in the billing cycle that you would literally have to submit payment the day the bill arrives in order to have any chance at getting the payment in on time? Its a tactic that many of the companies use to increase the amount of money they earn off their customers on the late fees.
You can avoid paying unnecessary late fees in a variety of ways. Dont credit card companies make enough on you off the interest rates? Check your statement carefully each month to ensure that youre not being charged late fees, even if youre confident youre mailing your payments out on time.
Make Your Payments Online
Almost every credit card company gives you the ability to make payments online. This will save you extensive time. Considering the fact that an envelope sent through regular postal mail can take two to three days in transport, and then another five to seven days to be processed (and have the payment applied to your account) by your credit card company- its a wonder any payment makes it to your account on time! Making a payment online is typically processed within 1 business...