Rabies here. Have you ever wondered what i am really all about? Most people just think that i make dogs become angry and foam from the mouth. Well that hardly does my name justice!Try this on for size; I am a viral disease which causes minor encephalitis, and can effect animals AND humans. How’s that!
Granted, I tend to stick with warm blooded carnivors as my prey, but don’t think I can only get at dogs! Any animal on the planet is susceptible to my infection. My greatest power is not well known among the human population. I am uncureable! “Till death do us part” as they say. Once i have found my way into a humans system, I almost invariably kill. The only thing you can do to stop me is prevent me. Vaccination is my worst enemy. If I am caught in time, vaccinations will sometimes lead to my demise instead of yours, but don’t count on it.
I only generally jump from one host to the next through biting. “Why don’t we stop biting each other?” you ask? Because you can’t! I can make you crazy. I ensure my generation to continue by causing you to be a vicious animal. Now that I think about it, I am downright...