With all of the buzz around Al Gore’s Nobel Prize winning efforts, many are hoping the heightened awareness of global warming will turn some attention to the plight of the polar bears. It would be utterly heartbreaking if this incredible predator was relegated to zoos or worse, especially after hundreds of years of adaptation to the hostile Arctic environment. I was once lucky enough to see a family of bears in the wild in the high arctic, a mother and two cubs – it was a powerfully moving site, considering this wasn’t a refuge but actually ice flows viewed from a Russian Icebreaker. What a great many people were not aware of until recently is that polar bears need the sea ice to freeze over. This gives the polar bears ideal hunting grounds for the seals that build dens and breathing holes in on the floes. Polar bears are classified as marine mammals and are surprisingly deficient in skills for catching prey on land.
There have been several reports of polar bear migrating into the northern boreal forests of Alaska and mating with grizzly bears, resulting in a hybrid bear: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grizzly%E2%80%93polar_bear_hybrid . While this...