Imagine that each person on this planet carried with them a teaspoon of soil or rock from Mt. Everest. Certainly Mt. Everest would shrink! Those individual teaspoons of material from the tallest mountain on Earth now in the pockets of billions of people also wouldn’t mean much. Well I suppose each of us could put that small amount of mineral material into a bottle and keep it as a souvenir. But like most souvenirs we collect, we tire of dusting them and they become added to the already crowded drawer or box of meaningless, useless items. A teaspoon of dirt, in a jar, in a drawer, that by itself, means little.
But, wait a minute. What about it’s P-0-T-E-N-T-I-A-L?
From Webster’s Dictionary:
“Contribute”: to give or supply in common with others
What if each person on this planet brought their teaspoon of Mt. Everest to the site where it used to stand and contributed it? What would happen? Why, we would build the highest, mightiest mountain on EarthTOGETHER.
Good thought. Doubtful it would happen. Why not? Let’s explore that. We can start by applying this Mt. Everest metaphor to our own lives.